A diva's work is never done!: Haymarket yumminess/Ms. Norris's bid for freedom
Location: Cleveland, OH, United States

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Haymarket yumminess/Ms. Norris's bid for freedom

So, yesterday I worked a freakishly long shift (10:30 a.m. till 7 p.m.) for The Man. I was a little loopy by the end of the shift, but it was so much fun because Dane and Brian were working with me and it was Brian's last day at the store (he is going to be an assistant manager at the Church Street store starting next week!!). And we got to try some coffee that is only sold in the Hawaii stores. It was yummy and "mossy" as Dane put it. I got home and was wishing that Longy had a more exciting social life when Rachael called me and told me she was in downtown Boston and I should join her and her friend that she was meeting. So, I threw on a sweater (finally some normal weather, though I am not sure if I'm that thrilled about it) and got my butt on the T. After being a bit lost, I found my way to the Italian district, where we ate a delicious meal and I had some nice (expensive) Pinot Noir...and didn't get carded (as the server said "we will trust each other"). The strangest part of the meal was when Billy Joel's "Piano Man" came BLARING over the speaker...the (cute) gentlemen next to us eventually figured out that it was nine o'clock on a Saturday when it started...ha ha ha.

When I got home, after visiting Rachael's for some friendly chatter, I opened the door and I felt something rush past me. It was Ms. Norris. I looked over and she hopped up on a ledge. I ran inside, cursing her name, and got the spray bottle which I used effectively enough to get her back in. After that, I tried to play with her a little and she seemed better. Poor cat. Her owner isn't always around and it makes her bored. I guess her anger cannot be helped.


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