A diva's work is never done!: Care for a drink?
Location: Cleveland, OH, United States

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Care for a drink?

The most flattering thing happened to me today. While working my really really really long shift, a cute guy that had come in before entered, recognized me and remembered my name. Somehow the conversation got around to the OSU vs. Michigan game that will be taking place next Saturday. I found out that he went to Michigan and we were joking about who was going to win. He sat down to drink his coffee and I had a long line of drinks to make. About fifteen minutes later he was leaving and I said "My condolences for the loss you will suffer next Saturday" to which he laughed. Then he asked if I would like to have a drink sometime. I blushed and said I was seeing someone, but thanks. And then I made another "have fun watching the game" comment as he left. I couldn't believe it! I was wearing a red shirt, not my most flattering color, no makeup, and my hair was falling out of the clip. Yet, I guess I still looked good. But, it would never work even if I was available. Being from "that state up north" would be too wide of a gap to breech!


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