A diva's work is never done!: Salem in the Rain/Kitty in the sink/Goodbye J-Rowe/Fire Fire!
Location: Cleveland, OH, United States

Monday, October 30, 2006

Salem in the Rain/Kitty in the sink/Goodbye J-Rowe/Fire Fire!

Okay, so there is WAY too much that has happened in the past three days, so bare with me...but at least I have some pics:o)!

Jennifer & I

Lunch at Salem Beer Works

After the Trial

"We have a witch, may we burn her? ""I'm not a witch, I'm not a witch!"

First, let me talk about my adventure in Salem on Saturday. To start with, every day has been gorgeous, perfect weather...except for Saturday. It was rainy and windy and cold. Times three. The people that were brave and headed out had quite an exciting time. We went and saw a trial, dungeons, a wonderful brewery where I had great beer and clam chowder as my pants were drying off. I got a cute mug and got to talk with some great people. And, as Rachael put it, the train ride really reminded me of Hungary...sigh!

Mrs. Norris is thirsty.

Mrs. Norris in the sink.

Second, when I got home from witch country I was soaked through the bum. So, I took a long, hot shower and dried off. When I walked out of my room, I saw Ms. Norris in the sink. In the past two months, she has not done this. Fortunately, she did not swipe at me while I took her picture!

Third, Sunday was J-Rowe's last day at work:o(. It made me quite sad since I really enjoyed working with him! A few of us went out to UNO's in Harvard Square to have some drinks. Apparently, according to a co-worker I saw today, I started talking in an English accent half way through our time. Gah! But, however much I may have drank, I guess I didn't do anything stupid, which is good. I gave Jonathan a mixed cd of breakup songs. He said he's never gotten one before, that made my day! (Other than the cute guy at work that said I had a hint of a southern accent...yes!) I had lots of fun learning that Dane is a man who likes bums, Barb & Jonathan love The Simpsons, and that I work with some super people, but one of the best ones is gone. Sigh!

Lastly, tonight, in true Longy fashion, the fire alarm went off while I needed to go and get my book bag. We had to wait outside for the fire department. Meanwhile, we found out it went off because two guys burnt popcorn and when the alarm went off they brought it outside, and began to eat it. Hoorah!


Blogger Evan said...

You and Mrs. Noris are becoming a cute couple.

5:08 AM  

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