A diva's work is never done!: Decision 2006/Democrats Take Over the World Day
Location: Cleveland, OH, United States

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Decision 2006/Democrats Take Over the World Day

It is very interesting living in such a democratic state. Today at work, for instance, people were VERY excited that "we won!". Now, while I have been around people that can get a bit fanatical about their party, these have been Republicans and they weren't THIS animated about it. And I feel like Americans have really stated how upset they are with the way this country has been run. If you know me, then you know that I tend to shift the conservative route. I wouldn't say I am a republican any more...but I am not a democrat either. Perhaps an independent? Though, I am hoping that the newly elected governor of Ohio, Strickland, will be better than Taft has been...but, really, how hard could that be? As one of my customers said to me today "Ohio is full of corrupt people." When I said "I'm not!" he simply responded "you're too young".

Even though I am out of my home state, I did vote absentee and I HOPE that you voted as well. It reminded me of the last big election in 2004 when I drove from C-bus to Cleveland just so I could vote and I drove back to C-bus early the next morning for classes. The power of having a voice lured me to do what I needed to do. It also reminded me of 2000 between Gore and Bush. At that time, I was in AP Government and our homework assignment was to come back the next morning with the election results. I remember being pro-Bush and Ben having his Gore sticker on his book cover. Of course, we could not answer the question when we came back the next morning...or the next...or the next I believe.

Unlike after that election, I hope that the results prove to do something better for this country. I hope that Ohio gets turned around. I hope that the war issue gets resolved. No matter what, at least we know that the next presidential election will be very interesting.


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