A diva's work is never done!: Happy Turkey Day! Now, back to work!
Location: Cleveland, OH, United States

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Happy Turkey Day! Now, back to work!

I hope that you had a lovely holiday. I can say that mine has been awesome. Of course, traveling to Cleveland was a bit of an adventure. On the T, there were several rowdy teens that were hitting each other and boucing around swearing up a storm (with younger kids around to hear them) so, while I planned to take the silver line, I got off at the earliest stop and took my normal route instead just to avoid being around them any longer. There were TONS of people that were going to the airport, making the trains really full. But I got to the airport and on the plane (mostly full of students) without problems. I was in a window seat next to a guy that snored the whole flight and when I was doing Suduko he asked me why people did that game and engineers such as himself don't get what the attraction is. I just gave a polite smile and he left me alone for the rest of the flight. The good news was that my luggage was meeting me at the end of the trip, a feat that doesn't occur often for me (just ask...I have several stories to tell)!

We ate late since the oven turned off when the timer went off, something my brother and mother did not notice until an hour and a half after when I noticed the "bake" light wasn't on. That, and it was cooked upside down for half the time which pushed the thermometer in so it never popped out. But, the whole meal was a success taste wise and the Cowboys won!!(always a good thing.) I have been able to sleep and relax, cuddle with my cat, and to see a bunch of Evan which has been lovely. He even brought me flowers at the airport and a Chipolte burrito (to which he pointed out I grabbed for the burrito first). AND he bought me a Farrari Carano Chardonnay!!! I have been dying to try it, but it is kind of pricey. So, we shall open that sometime soon:o).

Looming in front of me is the prospect of coming back and having to grab the bull by the horns and finish up the semester strong. Oye! If you have any stories that you would like to share (a la my turkey story) let me know. Cheers!


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