A diva's work is never done!: December 2006

A diva's work is never done!

Location: Cleveland, OH, United States

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas is...

Well, this Christmas went by so quickly, I can hardly believe that it is all over. Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure! I hope you enjoy them.

Oh, by the way, for Christmas I got a much needed digital camera which is responsible for these pics and many more to come! Have a wonderful holiday!


Dinner, before...

...and after

Jake, my sweet cat

Monday, December 18, 2006

Four CRAZY Nights...

Since school is pretty much done for me, I have to include the craziness of today in my mention of the last few nights since the weekend & week days are now one big smushy mess. Get ready for a long blog, folks!

To start, Friday night I sang in the Schumann art song recital and the party afterwards at Jane's house. The concert was quite good, at least for me, and even though we had a small crowd, I think it was splendid fun. Afterwards, we went over to Jane's (my teacher's house) to celebrate. We had some wine and delicious cheeses and got to see her GORGEOUS house! It is one of the few Victorian houses in Cambridge and I definitely felt that I was thrown back into the 1800s. Her husband showed Andrea and I around and explained the architecture to us and the decor. I had an interesting conversation with Brad about his goals and that blowing off class activities was prioritizing and not blowing me off. And Gui, I just love that girl! The most funny things came out of her mouth!! (Like her fear of if she will remember how to kiss her boyfriend when she goes to Korea to see him and her family over the holiday...)

Saturday...well...I worked all day and then went home to get dressed. Andrea came over and decided that, even though it was a ten minute walk from my house, she wanted to drive. So, we got to the party and I had wine and she had diet coke. An interesting guy was talking with her much of the night and I got to see my co-workers dressed to the nines. When I saw Swifty, he was wearing a tux and drinking a fourty. Amanda and Shannon were talking about "social anxiety" and Amanda had much to drink. Tatiana brought her cute boy, who I had never met, and apparently married woman kept hitting on him (erg, keep it in your pants, ladies!). I got many complements on my dress and I found myself at the end of the evening with a gin martini...big mistake after four...or five glasses of wine. Dain went outside and asked us how we liked the party...from outside the house...odd. I got home and got sick...but after some gatorade and tylonol I went through the next day just slightly queasy and some good memories.

Sunday, I slept in and made myself a nice breakfast. I went to Bree's recital around 4 and she was FANTASTIC! If you didn't get to see it, shame on you. My favorite pieces were the "Canalope" pieces and the crazy "Amor" by Strauss. Afterwards, Rachael and I sang in the Vocal Chamber Ensemble concert and we ROCKED! We were together and I was so happy that many of the pieces were the best I have ever sung them. Jayne seemed very happy and I got to record it as well. YES! Afterwards, we toasted Bree's success with champagne and chocolate and watching "How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days".

Now, for the interesting evening. Today, I worked a really long shift for me (12-730) filled with Tatiana sing "All I want for Christmas is...." well... let's just say I learned a lot about her personality. I also got my period for the second time this month and found out from Liz about how hormones peak or something mid-month and that is why. Sigh!

As for the hell that followed... well, this is what happened in the course of the day: 1. A man came in, ordered a tea and began to talk to me in gibberish where I heard the word "marijuana" and "f*&%" a few times...I had to count the correct change and he left...did I mention he didn't have any teeth?? 2. During a HUGE rush, a man walked around the counter and said "bathroom?bathroom?bathroom?" Startled, I pointed to the store next store and said "there". 3. A woman came in and ordered a drink of certain temperature with a certain amount of foam. I made this drink perfectly. She proceeded to pick it up and said "um, it's too light, I need more milk" so I respond that I could add more, she then asked for more steam milk in another cup. I turned to look at my co-worker to see what I should do (she ordered a grande, NOT a venti) and the woman got all upset with me hesitating saying "I'm the customer, I'm always right". I offered to re-make the drink but she refused and I finally gave her some milk in a little cup. While I was ringing other people up, she had Cat take off some foam and add more milk. She then came back over to the counter to ask to talk with Shannon (actually "that other girl") because she knew her and if she was the manager and she always comes in here and such. I said I was sorry if I offened her, which she said I had. The whole experience really pissed me off. Afterwards, we went out for Mexican and margaritas. What's with all the crazees in this city!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I would like a double tall breast milk latte please...

So, today during work Tatiana was ringing up an order for a customer...who was breast feeding during the order. Now, I have gotten a lot of things when people are ordering. Making out, talking loudly on the cell phone, yelling at me, but NEVER that. Not that it was full breast exposure, but still...how inappropriate!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Off to the Opera (department) you go!

Today I saw Donna and Andrea coming out of the elevator. I thought that was strange, but then I saw that Andrea was all dressed up...and beaming. Curious, I looked over at Ashley and eventually Andrea came back and told me the news. She decided to switch to the opera department. I am sad and happy for my friend. For one, I think that she will do incredibly well in the department and be able to do more arias, which she loves to do. But, she won't be in my classes any more. Sigh!

In other news, I am trying to finish off the semester strongly. Tomorrow I have a voice lesson, and a diction test. Then, I go to work. This weekend are some performances and Saturday night Dain is having a party where I have to get all dressed up to the nines (guys in ties, girls in cocktail dresses). It seems like it will be lots of fun.

Yesterday, I went out with Shannon to "Forest Cafe" for Mexican and had some yummy margaritas. We talked and laughed and I'm sad she is moving to Hawaii in January.

Everyone is just abandoning me!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Is that patchouli I smell?

The other day at work I noticed a woman that orders decaf lattes* smelled strongly of earth...and I remember her smelling that way each time I've seen her. After talking to Swifty, he informed me that the scent was patchouli, which is popular with hippies and the only scent that covers up the scent of weed. That, combined with her wide pupils and hazy voice and stance, tied everything together. Well, that clears up that.

Tonight, I got to watch a recital on Poulenc's "Le Travail Du Peintre" which I am thinking of singing. I really wish that I could do a lecture recital instead of the EEP. I have been in the education part of music, I am here for performance. Oh well.

In other news, tomorrow is my last day of classes. It has certainly been an interesting semester. Next week I have a test and some performances to look forward to. Next weekend I will be singing Friday night in my Schumann Song Cycle Class Recital and Sunday I will be performing with Rachael for the Vocal Chamber Ensemble's Class Recital. Lots to do. You should come! Or face my wrath:o).

*the drink has been changed for her protection:o)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Haymarket yumminess/Ms. Norris's bid for freedom

So, yesterday I worked a freakishly long shift (10:30 a.m. till 7 p.m.) for The Man. I was a little loopy by the end of the shift, but it was so much fun because Dane and Brian were working with me and it was Brian's last day at the store (he is going to be an assistant manager at the Church Street store starting next week!!). And we got to try some coffee that is only sold in the Hawaii stores. It was yummy and "mossy" as Dane put it. I got home and was wishing that Longy had a more exciting social life when Rachael called me and told me she was in downtown Boston and I should join her and her friend that she was meeting. So, I threw on a sweater (finally some normal weather, though I am not sure if I'm that thrilled about it) and got my butt on the T. After being a bit lost, I found my way to the Italian district, where we ate a delicious meal and I had some nice (expensive) Pinot Noir...and didn't get carded (as the server said "we will trust each other"). The strangest part of the meal was when Billy Joel's "Piano Man" came BLARING over the speaker...the (cute) gentlemen next to us eventually figured out that it was nine o'clock on a Saturday when it started...ha ha ha.

When I got home, after visiting Rachael's for some friendly chatter, I opened the door and I felt something rush past me. It was Ms. Norris. I looked over and she hopped up on a ledge. I ran inside, cursing her name, and got the spray bottle which I used effectively enough to get her back in. After that, I tried to play with her a little and she seemed better. Poor cat. Her owner isn't always around and it makes her bored. I guess her anger cannot be helped.