Kubb/Quack/Guys, leave the uninterested ladies at home for a game/Stupid Cabbies
Catherine after hitting down a kubb
Rachael & I
Michelle with...um, Grady? or is it that other one??
Ev & I at the Christian Science thing
Beacon Hill!
On the tour
Boston on the Charles
Our sexy duck
Who are those sexy men:)??
Enjoying a beer and a dog
Me keeping score
Fenway at night
Evan singing "Take me out to the ballgame"
Mmm...Clam Chowder
Massasoit & I
Ev & I
Ev & I on the Mayflower II
Evan is a sailor!
Ev & I a la Titanic (my idea of course)
Well, it was another adventure with Evan while he was in town. Jayne had a party at her house where we played some games and got to have some drinks...something I felt weird about doing in front of my voice teacher. And I learned a little too much about her personal life and wrestling....We went on a duck tour that was SOOO much fun with PJ as our driver, to Top of the Hub with my dad (who was in town) where we got drinks (the waitress gave my dad and I merlot instead of a cab...) and hot cookies! then the game that night and Plymouth the next day.
I will let most of the pics speak for themselves, but I want to say this. Gals, there are few things you should NOT do at a game. 1. Wear heels...I mean, c'mon. The guys are gonna be watching the game not the shape of your calves and there are lots of stairs 2. Drink, drink, drink (getting up during, in between, and every other which time in an inning) and spilling it all over people while shouting out obscenities to people you don't even know. 3. Go to the game. I mean, DON'T go if you aren't interested and you are going to leave at the sixth inning. Especially in a stadium like Boston where the cheap tickets are $50 a seat.
Other than that, I had a great time at the game and keeping score, even though the Indians lost. They are still cuties! And I was surprised and pleased to see the amount of Indians fans there. Ah, Ohioians. WE ARE TAKING OVER BOSTON!!!!
In other news, I got to go to Plymouth with Evan and we went to the oldest house there and on the Mayflower II (unimpressive) and had lunch at the Lobster Hut. Mmmm...then the taxi that was taking us back stopped to pick up his friend, swing him by the mall and then drop us off. I was PISSED about it. I like Boston cabbies soooo much better.
Well, I will be here for another two weeks and then it back to Cleveland where I hope to watch a game in less expensive seats, driving around in a car, and seeing my family and friends in Ohio. And, something really cool, is that Evan is on a plane right now with C.C. Sabathia!!!! GO INDIANS!!!! Oh, and cheers!