A diva's work is never done!: My Weekend with Simon
Location: Cleveland, OH, United States

Sunday, January 14, 2007

My Weekend with Simon

The last few months I have been thinking about getting a dog. It seems like a nice thing to have for companionship and security. Since the boy is in Ohio, wouldn't this seem the best solution? After this weekend, I have decided that this is a bad idea and that I am firmly a "cat person". Not that I dislike dogs...as long as I don't have to take care of them. At this stage of my life, it is like my perception of children. I don't mind teaching them, as long as I can send them off to their parents later. So, now you are curious. What happened to drastically change her mind? Well, here is the scoop:

On Friday I went over to visit Simon's, excited about the weekend. When I took him for a walk, he was a bit fast and I realized that I needed to keep a firm hold. While sniffing a stoop, a man walked by. All of the sudden, Simon leapt at him, freaking me and the man out. That night, Simon jumped onto the bed and proceeded to take up all of the space and giving me very little wiggle room with the covers. The next day, I came home to find some paper towels I had placed in a bag littering the floor as well as a food container open and gnawed on. After a long day (I opened at work) I did not want to deal with the mess but I had to clean it anyway. I was quite careful while walking him that night, but when he heard a dog barking in the park I was almost drag for a second as he leapt in the direction. That night I gather the covers around myself and did not let Simon take up the space. He did succeed at waking me up in the middle of the night shaking his collar and roaming around the room creating a series of jingles (as if the cold and weird sounds from the non-working heater weren't bad enough). The next morning I had to open at my store again and explained my situation to my sympathetic co-workers. I got home and took out Simon briefly before heading to my house. I read and relaxed and prepared myself for the final encounter with the dog. For the final walk, I was determined to keep Simon in check. However, he decided to leap at another passing man (who uttered some expletives) who I had to apologies to. I did succeed keeping him from lurching at a dog that looked like a pit bull as well as a runner by having him sit and blocking his view with my umbrella (oh yeah, it has been constantly raining the past two days too!). I brought him in, fed him and left.

So, now I am at home and very thankful that I am here. I still like dogs, I think they are quite cute. And I don't this Simon isn't trained. He just chooses not to listen. After these past few days, I am making myself a nice meal, sitting and watching the Patriots play & Rome later, and having a drink. How nice it will be to sleep tonight!


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