A diva's work is never done!: Mouse, mousie, little mousie...
Location: Cleveland, OH, United States

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Mouse, mousie, little mousie...

Finally it is the weekend and Evan is in town! Very exciting. While he was busy taking a test to get his teaching license, I went to Longy to make some copies and to read one of the many things that I have to look at for class. While sitting casually flipping through a book about French art songs, it happened. A little mouse ran out and went by me. Naturally, I gasped. I was going to go and tell someone (Rachael did mention that she saw a mouse the other day...is this the same one???)....but, the mousie was SOOOO cute! Small and gray it looked at me as if to say "Please don't hurt me. I just like the music here and I won't cause any trouble." My heart is too animal loving (except for the evil cat that hisses at me in my apartment...but that is another story) so I let it be. We shall see if that is a good decision or not. At least I haven't named it....yet:o).

I have also decided that I need to buckle down more and really get serious about my studies. This past week I felt very...average and I don't like that. I don't want to be the best...but I don't like feeling like the worse, the slacker of the class. So, I will try to get out of teaching mode and into student mode. Erg, it is harder than it seems to be! Hopefully, with Evan's inspiring presence, I shall push myself to do better. Wish me so much luck!


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